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To use Actito APIs, you need to have the API manager login provided by Actito and the associated password.

To connect through the API, you must first retrieve the manager key from Actito.

  • Go to Account Administration and select Logins.
  • Click the Edit icon next to your API manager.
  • In the API section of the popup window, copy the API key (also known as the manager key) and use it to open a connection to retrieve the token that will be used in your calls.

The manager key is a combination of the login, password, and the expiration date. So if the manager’s password changes, the manager key will change as well.

Calling the connect method (with the login, password, and API key) will provide a token, to be used in all subsequent calls.

This token will expire in the following cases:

  • When a close connection call is made.
  • When the session times out.

An open connection call generates a token that should be used until it expires. Once the token expires, an API call will generate a session exception. At this point, you should open a new connection to continue your API calls.


An example workflow:

  1. Open the connection to generate the token.
  2. Use API method calls as needed. If a call fails due to a problem with the session:
    • Send another open connection call to renew the token.
    • Resend the call that failed due to the session issue.
  3. Send a close connection call once all API method calls for the session have been sent successfully.

For time consuming calls (e.g., uploading a large file), you may need to use an open connection call to ensure that the token will remain valid for the duration of the call.

API Authentication Request: Call Volume Throttling

A rate limit is applied to all authentication request calls to ensure optimal performance of the Actito Transactional Messaging Platform.

An IP address will be throttled for 20 minutes whenever 10 or more calls containing the following strings are sent within a period of 10 seconds:

  • /connect/open
  • /authorization

The following HTTP 429 error message is sent if your account has been throttled:

Your HTTP requests are being throttled please contact your technical account manager for details

Once the 20-minute period has elapsed, the throttling is automatically removed from the IP address.