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NMP Output Description

The table below outlines the output elements obtained with NMP Reporting APIs.

Output ElementDescriptionNMP Transactional Messaging API Methods
bounceTypeThe type of bounce the email encountered. The output values are described in the list below:
  • The output value -1 indicates a soft bounce.
  • The output value 1 indicates a hard bounce.
  • The output value OTHER indicates that the mailbox is temporarily unavailable or that the bounce message received was indecipherable.
clickDateThe date and time a tracked link was clicked in an email.
emailThe email address of the intended recipient.
idThe campaign ID necessary for getting an Analysis Report.
insertionDateThe date and time when an API call is received and fails to get correctly processed. 
linkNameThe name the user applies to the link.
linkTypeThe link classification.
Note: For more information, see Link Type Descriptions.
memberUIDThe unique member ID for the recipient.
mtaReturnDateThe date and time the message transfer agent (MTA) returned the bounce message confirmation.
nameThe name of the intended recipient.
nmClickThe number of links in the email clicked by recipients.
nmHardBounceThe number of emails classified as hard bounces.
nmMessageIdThe unique message ID number assigned to each message.
nmOpenThe number of emails that were opened by recipients.
nmSentThe number of emails sent.
nmSoftBounceThe number of emails classified as soft bounces.
openDateThe date and time the email was opened.
processDateThe date and time when the email was sent.
sendDateThe scheduled date and time for an email to be sent.
smtpErrorCodeThe error code recovered for a failed message.
*Note: *When the output for the smtpErrorCode is 0, the message did not bounce.
smtpErrorMessageThe error message corresponding to an error code as defined by the ISP.
requestDateThe date and time when the API call is received and successfully processed.
urlThe root of the URL in the email.