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Transactional Messages List Screen

The Transactional Message screen displays a list of your previously created Transactional Messages.

Transactional Messages Menu Bar

Message Menubar

Messages Add MessageLists your previously created transactional messages.
Reports Report ButtonShows reporting for the Transactional Messages.
New New ButtonCreates a new message by opening the Transactional Message Creation screen.

Messages List

IDThe unique identity number of the Transactional Message.
Integration StatusThe integration status indicates whether or not the message has already been sent at least once.
  • Integration Status - Message Not Sent: This icon indicates that the Transactional Message has never been sent.
  • Integration Status - Message has been sent at least once: This icon indicates that the Transactional Message has been sent at least once.
NameThe name of the Transactional Message.
Created byThe creator of the Transactional Message.
Preview Preview IconDisplays a preview of the Transactional Message.
Edit Edit IconAllows you to edit the Transactional Message.
Copy Copy IconCopies the Transactional Message.
DeleteSelects the Transactional Message for deletion. (missing or bad snippet)
Select/Deselect All Items Select All IconSelects or deselects all items.
Delete selected Items Delete IconDeletes the selected items.
Page numbers (1, 2, 3...)Navigates between the different pages of listed Transactional Message.