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Push Content - [EMV CONTENT]

Q: What is the [EMV CONTENT] personalization designed for?

A: This tag is designed for managing personalization. It is a container for pushing portions of HTML Content (like a HTML table for example) or Text into an API call to ATMP.

For example, a dating website could push matching profile content for each individual subscriber.

Q: Is [EMV CONTENT]ID[EMV /CONTENT] linked to one Template?

A: Yes, one Push Content ID is linked to one Template.

Q: What is the difference between [EMV DYN] and [EMV CONTENT]?

A: [EMV DYN] Push field is for simple “one field” personalization. [EMV CONTENT] is for pre-formatted blocks of HTML or Text.

Q: Can I use personalization in [EMV CONTENT] blocks?

A: No, it is not possible to use personalization tags within [EMV CONTENT] data, they would not be interpreted when merged into the Template.

Q: How do I secure transfer of special characters (Chinese or Russian…etc) as Push Content?

A: The XML file has to be encoded in UTF-8 (content coming from client in the API Trigger Call).

Then, the Template must also be encoded in the defined character when building the message, as below:
NMP encoding

Q: Can I use [EMV CONTENT] and [EMV DYN] tags within an [EMV INCLUDE] Dynamic Content Block?

A: Yes, you can embed these 2 personalization tags within a Dynamic Content Block [EMV INCLUDE], they’ll be interpreted properly.

Q: Can I use [EMV CONTENT] to transfer the whole body of my HTML message?

A: Not recommended. [EMV CONTENT] is not meant to be used for pushing the whole message body, and the reasons are simple:

  • The XML can become very heavy when it comes to batching many recipients in one XML file.
  • You would have to create a Template in your account anyway, with just the [EMV TEXTPART] and [EMV HTMLPART]<html><head></head>XXXXX</body></html>.
  • Links are not tracked.
  • You cannot use personalization.

Q: What is the difference between [EMV CONTENT] and [EMV INCLUDE]?

A: [EMV INCLUDE] and [EMV CONTENT] have the same goal: handle blocks of Messages separately from the Template. The differences are:

  • [EMV INCLUDE] are blocks managed in the ATMP application and can handle personalization & trackable links.
  • [EMV CONTENT] are pushed in every API Trigger Call and can be different for every Trigger Call.

Push Field - [EMV DYN]

Q: What is the [EMV DYN] tag made for?

A: [EMV DYN] are parameters pushed through the API Trigger Call. They are to be used for "simple" personalization (key=value).

Q: If I use many times [EMV DYN] personalization in my Template, do I have to include it once or many times in the API call?

A: You just have to include the DYN once in the API Call and it will be merged at all locations in the Template.

Promotion & Ad – [EMV INCLUDE]

Q: What is the [EMV INCLUDE] tag designed for?

A: [EMV INCLUDE] are portions of HTML code or Text stored in the ATMP database (exactly like MESSAGES). They are inserted in the message at point of send. [EMV INCLUDE] can be used in several messages. There is an interface in Actito that lets you create/modify/delete/save includes, under the Dynamic Content Block section of Transactional Messaging. If you modify a dynamic content block, all messages that refer to it using the [EMV INCLUDE] tag will include the most recently saved version of the dynamic content block.

Q: Can we use it also for normal messages?

A: Not yet. It is only available for Transactional Messaging Templates for now.

API Trigger Calls

Q: If my XML file or my API call is not compliant, what happens?

A: For any exception or error during the processing of an API call, a 500 HTTP error code is then returned to the requester service. If all OK, a “OK” HTTP code 200 is returned