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Parameter List (for all call methods)

Parameter Required parametersDescriptionValues
randomIntegration Tag
The random key used to match with the Security Tag
Retrieved from Actito Transactional Messaging Template creation interface. Each Template has its own unique random integration tag.

encryptSecurity Tag
The encryption key used to retrieve the message Template ID and match with the Integration Tag
emailThe recipient’s email address to which you want to send the message
senddateThe date and time when you want the message to be sent.

The system uses Central European Time (CET) for the date and time values defined for the senddate parameter. For more information on the Central European Time zone, please see the following link:

The following two scenarios illustrate when the message is sent depending on whether the senddate is set to the future or the past:
  • If the senddate value is set to the future, the system will send the message at that date and time defined.
  • If the senddate value is set to the past, the message will be sent immediately.
The date format to use is as follows:
Date format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
  • YYYY is the year in 4 digits (2021)
  • the 1st MM is the month in 2 digits (12)
  • DD is the day in 2 digits (24)
  • The “T” is used as a separator between date and time blocks
  • HH is the hour in 2 digits in 24 hour format (e.g., 23 for 11 pm)
  • The 2nd MM is the minute in 2 digits
  • SS is the second in 2 digits
Example : 2021-12-24T23:30:00

HTTP GET (Path Info and Query String):
  • YYYY is the Year in 4 digits (2021)
  • the 1st MM is the Month in 2 digits (12)
  • DD is the Day in 2 digits (12)
  • HH is the hour in 2 digits in 24 hour format (e.g., 23 for 11 pm)
  • The 2nd MM is the minute in 2 digits
  • SS is the second in 2 digits
  • The %20 sign is a URL encoded space.
  • The %2D sign is a URL encoded hyphen (-).
  • The %3A sign is a URL encoded colon (:).
Example : 2017%2D12%2D12%2023%3A30%3A00
synchrotype (XML)
stype (GET)
The synchrotype parameter is deprecated and relates to a feature that is no longer supported.These values are case sensitive.
    Actito recommends using the value "NOTHING" for the synchrotype parameter.
dynDynamic field personalization container for simple personalization
  • HTTP GET (PI or QS)
contentPortion of pre-formatted HTML or text blocks URL Encoding Considerations (for HTTP GET methods only)It can contain:
  • HTML code: The code has to be enclosed between the following tags as shown in the example below:
  • Text only